| Sunrise Action in Eastham, MA 11/3 |
Over the past several weeks, the news headlines have been filled with the drought in the Southeast, the wildfires in Southern California, and today, the news is filled with word of Tropical Storm Noel that is about to bombard the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Coast. No single weather event can be attributed to global warming, but science does tell us to expect increasingly erratic and dramatic weather events as the world warms. And each one of these recent events have been some of the most extreme in their region's history.
As we speak, many Step It Up organizers in the affected areas are going bravely forward with their actions and figuring out last minute alternate plans, amidst forecasts of several inches of rain and 40mph winds. What do these organizers do when global� warming prevents them from taking action on global warming? They keep acting! Will our politicians follow their leadership and courage in the face of a changing climate�? Today we find out....
Wish your fellow Step It Uppers from the Northeast well as they brave the storm today. Our hearts are with you!
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