By:Barbara Ford
We had a great rally with 500-600 people (in spite of threat of rain) and lifted people's spirits, and their voices to make personal commitments to "be a part of the solution" Our focus was on our state legislation, as we have may pieces of global warming legislation coming up in the next week. Ten people left from the rally for a Climate Walk to Salem (53 miles) to end up at the Capitol steps on tax day for a press conference, taking video and written messages from rally attendees telling lawmakers to do the right thing. some of the walkers carried solar panels on their back.
By:Glenna Green
A good showing of hopeful people gathered to ask congress to act as if the future mattered. Later, I was asked by a stranger about my "face it: we are the solution to global warming" button and was able to engage one more person in a conversation about what individuals can do to try to change things.