Friends and Allies
Your Environmental Road Trip (YERT)
YERT is a year-long eco-expedition through all 50 United States. With video camera in hand and tongue in cheek, we're exploring the landscape of America's unique approach to environmental sustainability. Follow us each week as we shamelessly bathe ourselves in the best (and weirdest) of America's ecological progress with a mix of outrageous antics, provocative examples, and thoughtful reporting.
Audubon Society of Central Oklahoma
Audubon is dedicated to protecting birds and other wildlife and the habitat that supports them. Our national network of community-based nature centers and chapters, scientific and educational programs, and advocacy on behalf of areas sustaining important bird populations, engage millions of people of all ages and backgrounds in conservation.
The MoveOn family of organizations brings real Americans back into the political process. With over 3.3 million members across America � from carpenters to stay-at-home moms to business leaders � we work together to realize the progressive promise of our country. MoveOn is a service � a way for busy but concerned citizens to find their political voice in a system dominated by big money and big media.
FUSE: Faiths United for Sustainable Energy
FUSE works with all faiths to develop educational and action-oriented programming that addresses the social, political, economic and environmental issues that we are all connected to through the need to fuel our everyday lives.
Hoosier Environmental Council
Through education, advocacy, and citizen empowerment in Indiana, the Hoosier Environmental Council works to protect and restore natural systems. Thus, Indiana will become a leader in creating livable urban and rural communities that provide basic needs of life: clean air and water, safe food, and thriving natural areas.
Presbyterians for Restoring Creation
Presbyterians for Restoring Creation is a nationwide grassroots network that connects, equips, and inspires Presbyterians and other people of faith to care for God's creation. PRC members across the country are helping to organize Step It Up events in their own communities.
Cascade Climate Network
The Cascade Climate Network (Google group) is to serve as a hub for communication and e-collaboration between students from Washington and Oregon who are focused on addressing climate change in their bio-region, states, and schools.
Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights is a strategy and action center working for justice, opportunity and peace in urban America. Based in Oakland, California, we promote positive alternatives to violence and incarceration through our four cutting-edge campaigns.
Network of Spiritual Progressives
The Network of Spiritual Progressives is a national interfaith organization dedicated to a fundamental shift from fear and domination to love and generosity in our institutions, public policies, and social practices.
Alliance For Climate Protection
Our mission is to persuade the American people � and people elsewhere in the world � of the importance and urgency of adopting and implementing effective and comprehensive solutions for the climate crisis.
Save Our Environment
The Save Our Environment Action Center is a collaborative effort of the nation's most influential environmental advocacy organizations harnessing the power of the internet to increase public awareness and activism on today's most important environmental issues.
WiserEarth serves the people who are transforming the world. It is an international directory and networking forum that maps, links and empowers the largest and fastest growing movement in the world � the hundreds of thousands of organizations within civil society that address social justice, poverty, and the environment.
American Solar Energy Society
American Solar Energy Society (ASES) is a non-profit national membership organization dedicated to the transition to a sustainable energy economy. ASES organizes the annual National Solar Tour and National Solar Energy Conference, and publishes SOLAR TODAY magazine. The ASES report, �Tackling Climate Change in the U.S.� is the blueprint needed to move America to the carbon emissions reduction needed by 2030 to reach the critical 60% to 80% reduction by 2050. Visit for free download of report.
No War No Warming
No War, No Warming came together in February of 2007 when leaders from a number of anti-war and climate groups began to discuss how we could better link the interrelated issues of global warming and the war in Iraq, and how we could strengthen mutual support between the peace/justice movement and the climate crisis movement.
National Polar Bear Plunge
Join thousands of concerned climate activists across the country as we jump into cold bodies of water - or ski down slopes in our shorts! - on December 8th, raising money and awareness and making clear our demand during this critical election season: Keep Winter Cold! Fight Global Warming!
Green Slow Moving Vehicle
Greenslowmovingvehicle is a decentralized conservation awareness group identified by magnets and stickers. This tight visual medium represents a comprehensive political, environmental, social, and economic message - all while changing lanes or waiting for a green light. Shift gears, cut carbon, drive easy.
Climate Solutions
Climate Solutions is a Pacific Northwest organization who's mission is to accelerate practical and profitable solutions to global warming by galvanizing leadership, growing investment and bridging divides.
Sierra Club Cool Cities
Begun in 2005, the Cool Cities campaign empowers city residents and local leaders to join and encourage their cities to implement smart energy solutions to save money and build a cleaner, safer future.
Earth Justice
Earthjustice is a non-profit public interest law firm dedicated to protecting the magnificent places, natural resources, and wildlife of this earth and to defending the right of all people to a healthy environment., formerly Mobilizing America's Youth is an all-partisan network dedicated to educating, empowering, and energizing young people to increase our civic engagement and political participation.
The Regeneration Project
We are an interfaith ministry devoted to deepening the connection between ecology and faith. Our goal is to help people of faith recognize and fulfill their responsibility for the stewardship of creation. Specifically, the Interfaith Power and Light campaign is mobilizing a national religious response to global warming while promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation. People of faith have an opportunity to put their faith into action and help reduce the devastating effects of global warming.
Coal River Mountain Watch
The mission of Coal River Mountain Watch is to stop the destruction of our communities and environment by mountaintop removal mining, to improve the quality of life in our area and to help rebuild sustainable communities.
Global Exchange
Global Exchange is a membership-based international human rights organization dedicated to promoting social, economic and environmental justice around the world.
We started TrueMajority in order to compound the power of all those who believe in social justice, giving children a decent start in life, protecting the environment, and America working in cooperation with the world community.
Drum Major Institute
DMI is a non-partisan, non-profit think tank providing ideas that fuel the progressive movement.
National Climate Conversation
On October 4th, mayors and other local government leaders across the U.S. will convene meetings in their communities to discuss the science and what is needed to solve global warming as part of the first annual National Conversation on Climate Action.
Presidential Climate Action Project
The imperative to address global warming grows daily. The Presidential Climate Action Project is a national initiative to develop a bold and decisive climate action plan for the next President of the United States.
Gang Green
Gang Green is an environmental group composed of students and faculty at Lawrence High School in Fairfield Maine.
Ten Ways to Change the World in Your Twenties
Ten Ways to Change the World in Your Twenties is an organization and book whose mission is to offer tangible ideas to young adults who wish to be active in shaping the world in which we live, but may lack the guidance and resources to easily do so.
Washington Environmental Council
Washington Environmental Council protects what Washingtonians care about � our land and water, fish and wildlife, and our special way of life. We engage the public and decision makers to improve and enforce protections for the health and well-being of our communities. Our work ensures that we will all enjoy natural areas, clean air and clean water for generations to come.
Progressive Voter Network
We all know we have big problems in this country. Often times, however, D.C. lobbyists, big money in campaigns, and special interest influence with our elected officials slow, or even prevent, solving these problems. If we�re going to move the country in a more progressive direction, then we need to get more people involved. The vision of the Progressive Voter Network is simple: by working together, we can ensure a new direction for our country. We can work to see our leaders push the real solutions to issues we care about, and in the process, start to change politics as usual in D.C.
Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) is a non-profit membership association of local governments committed to advancing climate protection and sustainable development. ICLEI provides tools and technical assistance to its member communities to achieve tangible reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and environmental impacts resulting in cleaner, healthier cities. Since its inception in 1993, ICLEI has grown to include nearly 1,000 cities in the world, 300 + of which are in the United States.
The Big Switch Off
The Big Switch Off is an Australian campaign encouraging people to emit no greenhouse gases for 24 hours, from October 6-7. Not in Australia? You can still take part by switching off here in the U.S.
Youth Venture
Youth Venture was started by Ashoka, the oldest, largest and fastest growing association of the world�s leading social entrepreneurs. It is a global movement of young changemakers � Venturers � from around the world who have launched lasting social ventures that create positive impact in our communities. Youth Venture is partnering with Step it Up to help youth plan their day of action on November 3 in your community and make it a success.
The Race Against Global Warming
The Race against Global Warming is a 5K walk/run fundraiser and all-day Climate Expo featuring expert and celebrity key note speakers, live music, food, resources, kids activities and more, all designed to help people to connect to one of the most important issues of our time, global warming.
Big Green Purse
At Big Green Purse, we believe that the fastest, easiest, most direct route to a clean and healthy environment is to shift our spending to environmentally-safe, socially responsible products and services. That's why Big Green Purse is encouraging a million women to shift at least $1,000 of money they already spend for an initial $1 billion Big Green Purse impact.
Solar Source
Solar Source is a full line Sales, Installation and Service Company, offering solar pool heating, solar domestic hot water, solar attic ventilation, solar electricity and more. We have helped Florida save money and the environment since 1984.
Carbon Coalition
The Carbon Coalition is a non-partisan coalition of citizens, scientists, businesses, students, communities and organizations who've come together to advocate for a national energy policy that protects our communities and environment from the ravages of global warming caused by carbon pollution.
Clean Air-Cool Planet
Clean Air-Cool Planet creates partnerships in the Northeast to implement solutions to climate change and build constituencies for effective climate policies and actions.
Canyon Land Conservation Fund
The Canyon Land Conservation Fund is a local 501(C)-3 organization dedicated to preserving the last remaining wild lands on the western edge of the Cleveland National Forest in Orange County, California.
Operation Green Leaves
Operation Green Leaves is a non-profit 501 ( c ) 3 tax deductible environmental organization registered in the State of Florida. We believe that helping Haitians help themselves is the only way to a permanent solution to Haiti�s environmental problems. OGL is committed to work at the grassroots level with the Haitian people to help them create a sustainable environment and promote economic development in affected areas of Haiti. OGL is also committed to provide environmental education and awareness to South Florida�s Haitian-American Community.
Local, state, and regional organizations across Appalachia are working together to end mountaintop removal and create a prosperous future for the region. Through, 7 grassroots organizations from 5 Appalachian states have come together to use cutting edge technology to inform and involve Americans in their efforts to save the mountains.
The Kids Ecology Corps
The Kids Ecology Corps is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization whose mission is to inspire young people to make environmental action part of their everyday lives and in the lives of those around them.
Our mission is to articulate the biblical call to social justice, inspiring hope and building a movement to transform individuals, communities, the church, and the world.
Live Earth
Live Earth was a monumental music event that brought together a global audience on July 7, 2007 to combat the climate crisis.
Climate Protection Campaign
The California based Climate Protection Campaign's mission is to create a positive future for our children and all life by inspiring action in response to the climate crisis.
Green For All
Green for All has a simple but ambitious mission: to help build a green economy strong enough to lift people out of poverty.
Ecological Internet
Ecological Internet, Inc. specializes in the use of the Internet to achieve ecological science-based environmental conservation outcomes. Ecological Internet's mission is to empower the global movement for environmental sustainability by providing information retrieval tools, portal services, expert analysis and action opportunities that aid in the protection of climate, forest, ocean and water ecosystems; and to commence the age of ecological sustainability and restoration.
Powershift 2007
This fall, thousands of students will rally in Washington, D.C., as part of Powershift 2007. From Nov. 2-5, young people will learn skills and take action in the first ever national youth climate summit. Stay tuned for Step It Up partnerships!
Chesapeake Climate Action Network
The Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN) is the first grassroots, nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to fighting global warming in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.
Appalachian Center for the Economy and the Environment
The Appalachian Center is a regional law and policy organization. The Center works together with individual citizens and grassroots citizens' groups to clarify, analyze and act on the environmental and economic issues that affect our communities.
Rainforest Action Network
Rainforest Action Network (RAN) works to protect the Earth and support human rights through corporate campaigning, education, grassroots organizing, and non-violent direct action.
Brighter Planet
Brighter Planet helps you take charge in the fight
against climate change. Join their community of Americans finding straightforward ways to support clean, renewable energy projects. Their first project--the soon-to-be-released Bright Card--is a credit card that gives you carbon offsets instead of frequent flyer miles.
Campus Climate Challenge
The Campus Climate Challenge is a project of more than 30 leading youth organizations throughout the U.S. and Canada. The Challenge unites young people to organize on college campuses and high schools to win 100% Clean Energy policies at their schools.
groSolar is dedicated to energy independence and the reversal of global warming. A leading distributor of sustainable, green energy products and services, we deliver and install solar power systems for residential and commercial customers.
United for Peace and Justice
United for Peace and Justice is a coalition of more than 1300 local and national groups throughout the United States who have joined together to protest the immoral and disastrous Iraq War and oppose our government's policy of permanent warfare and empire-building.
Union of Concerned Scientists
The Union of Concerned Scientists is the leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and a safer world. UCS combines independent scientific research and citizen action to develop innovative, practical solutions and to secure responsible changes in government policy, corporate practices, and consumer choices.
Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action. As a global organisation, Greenpeace focuses on the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet's biodiversity and environment.
The League of Conservation Voters
The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is the independent political voice for the environment. To secure the environmental future of our planet, LCV�s mission is to advocate for sound environmental policies and to elect pro-environmental candidates who will adopt and implement such policies.
Valley Watch
Valley Watch has one purpose: to protect the public health and environment of the lower Ohio River Valley
AlterNet is an award-winning news magazine and online community that creates original journalism and amplifies the best of dozens of other independent media sources.
Honor the Earth
"Honor the Earth's" mission is to create awareness and support for Native environmental issues and to develop needed financial and political resources for the survival of sustainable Native communities.
The Muse Campaign
The Muse Campaign's mission is to use music to create a worldwide grassroots movement that will pressure political and business leaders to enact policies that will stop global warming before it�s too late.
The best in online environmental journalism: "doom and gloom with a sense of humor."
Focus the Nation
Focus the Nation is coordinating teams of faculty and students at over a thousand colleges, universities and K-12 schools in the United States, to collaboratively engage in a nationwide, interdisciplinary discussion about �Global Warming Solutions for America�.
Native Energy
NativeEnergy helps you help build Native American, farmer-owned, community based renewable energy projects that create social, economic, and environmental benefits.
Physicians For Social Responsibility
Physicians for Social Responsibility is a non-profit advocacy organization that is the medical and public health voice for policies to stop nuclear war and proliferation and to slow, stop and reverse global warming and toxic degradation of the environment.
Codepink - Women for Peace
CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities.
Natural Resources Defense Council
NRDC uses law, science and the support of 1.2 million members and online activists to protect the planet's wildlife and wild places and to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all living things.
Orion Grassroots Network
The Orion Grassroots Network is the fastest-growing gathering hub of environmental and community organizations in North America, now actively supporting over a thousand organizations with several new member groups joining each week.
Sierra Club
The Sierra Club's members are more than 750,000 of your friends and neighbors. Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet.
Earth Island Institute
Earth Island Institute develops and supports projects that counteract threats to the biological and cultural diversity that sustain the environment. Through education and activism, these projects promote the conservation, preservation, and restoration of the Earth.
1% For The Planet
One Percent for the Planet is an alliance of companies that recognize the true cost of doing business and donate 1% of their sales to environmental organizations worldwide.
Bioneers is a nonprofit organization that promotes practical environmental solutions and innovative social strategies for restoring the Earth and communities. The upcoming conference will take place Oct. 19-22.
U.S. Climate Emergency Council
The U.S. Climate Emergency Council is a nonprofit organization dedicated to rigorous grassroots action in the fight to stop global warming and promote a clean energy future.
Vermont Interfaith Power & Light
Vermont Interfaith Power and Light seeks to educate faith communities and individuals about the threat that global warming presents to Creation and Earth, and to engage communities of faith in promoting energy conservation, energy efficiency, and renewable energy as a solution. The goal of the organization is to move Vermont's faith communities toward sustainable energy use and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, while living out our covenant with the Creator.
Working Films
Working Films advances social, economic, environmental and racial justice by linking independent non-fiction media to activism. is a community of global citizens who take action on the major issues facing the world today. Our aim is to ensure that the views and values of the world’s people -- and not just political elites and unaccountable corporations -- shape global decisions. members are taking action for a more just and peaceful world and a vision of globalization with a human face.
Climate USA
ClimateUSA is a project of the Climate Crisis Coalition, and has focused their efforts on creating "A Call to Action to Midterm Congressional Candidates."
Vermont Natural Resources Council
For over forty years, VNRC has been Vermont's leader in protecting and restoring our natural resources. By building coalitions, working together, and offering common sense solutions, VNRC has set the standard for an approach to environmental protection that endures.
Clif Bar & Co.
Clif Bar & Co. is a leading maker of all-natural and organic energy and nutrition foods and drinks, including the CLIF� BAR and LUNA�. Clif Bar & Co. works to reduce its footprint on the planet from the field to the final product, and promotes action and education on global warming.
Climate Crisis Coalition
The Climate Crisis Coalition seeks to broaden the circle of individuals, organizations and constituencies engaged in the global warming issue, to link it with other issues and to provide a structure to forge a common agenda and advance action plans with a united front.
Organic Consumers Association
The Organic Consumers Association deals with crucial issues of food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children's health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, environmental sustainability and other key topics.
Northwest Earth Institute
The Northwest Earth Institute offers programs that encourage participants to explore their values, attitudes, and actions through discussion with other people.
Center For Biological Diversity
The Center is a conservation organization dedicated to protecting endangered plants, animals and the wild places we all need to thrive. With over 35,000 members, we are a growing voice for the wild.
Yestermorrow Design/Build School inspires people to create a better, more sustainable world by providing hands-on education that integrates design and craft as a creative, interactive process.
Better World Club
Better World Club is the nation�s only environmentally friendly auto club. BWC donates 1% of revenues to environmental clean up and advocacy, and offers unique, eco-friendly roadside assistance, insurance, and travel alternatives.
Global Warming Education Network
GWEN is a new, U.S.-based nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading awareness and encouraging action relating to global warming and its adverse impacts.
Natural Resources Council of Maine
The Natural Resources Council of Maine is a 501c3 nonprofit membership organization protecting, restoring, and conserving Maine's environment, now and for future generations.
New American Dream
The Center for a New American Dream helps Americans consume responsibly to protect the environment, enhance quality of life, and promote social justice.
Appalachian Voices
Appalachian Voices brings people together to solve the environmental problems having the greatest impact on the central and southern Appalachian Mountains.
COA News
COA News is a non-profit online news network featuring diverse, credible independent news and current affairs. COA News can best be described as the portal to independent news media.
Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth defends the planet and champions a healthy and just world. Active in 70 countries, Friends of the Earth is the world's largest network of grassroots environmental groups.
Low Carbon Diet Initiative
We offer a suite of carbon-reduction tools centering around the Low Carbon Diet workbook�an easy-to-use, illustrated guide that walks individuals or small groups, �EcoTeams,� through a time-tested CO2-reduction program. Our �Global Warming Caf� is a 4-hour discussion-format workshop that anyone can host on April 14th as a way to rally their community in response to the climate crisis. Our Cool Community Campaign helps communities achieve a 20% carbon footprint reduction by 2010.
Solar One
Solar One, New York City's first solar-powered �Green Energy, Arts, and Education Center,� inspires New Yorkers to become environmentally responsible city dwellers.
Project Laundry List
Project Laundry List uses words, images, and advocacy to educate people about how simple lifestyle modifications, including air-drying one�s clothes, reduce our dependence on environmentally and culturally costly energy sources. The group hosts National Hanging Out Day events nation-wide on April 19th every year.
Eco-Justice Ministries
Eco-Justice Ministries is an independent, ecumenical agency that helps churches answer the call to care for all of God's creation, and develop ministries that are faithful, relevant and effective in working toward social justice and environmental sustainability.
Climate Ark
Climate Ark is a climate change and global warming portal and search engine that promotes public policy that addresses global climate change through reductions in carbon dioxide and other emissions, renewable energy, energy conservation and ending deforestation.