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Movement as Network

Posted by Jamie on August 14th, 2007

Here at Step It Up headquarters we're doing our best to stay on top of the latest technological advancements in internet based activism.

Last April, we demonstrated the power of distributed grassroots action. Over 1,400 communities were connected through our website by a common goal: cutting carbon 80% by 2050 to stop global warming. For Step It Up 2, we'll be working hard to squeeze and twist the web to wring out it's maximum potential.

And when we say we, well, we really mean you. Help us go viral, become a meme, and dominate the blogosphere (don't worry, we don't understand it all either) by spreading the word through your online connections.

Here's a few key ways you can help:

1. Join our Facebook Group

2. Recruit your friends for our Facebook Cause (and maybe even give a little dough)

3. Check out our MySpace page and become our friend

4. Write about Step It Up on your blog

5. Email, email, email: tell everyone you know about Step It Up

Together we'll conduct an incredible experiment of the web's potential to help create social change. Our opponents may have millions of dollars on their side, but we've got the tools and the people to create a movement like the world's never seen. With your help, we can make it happen.

Posted in Our Blog


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  1. Comment by cafe, Apr 10th, 2013 12:44pm



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