This is the fourth is a series of posts catching up the blog since our return from Bali�
Many folks have been emailing and asking whether there�s going to be a Step It Up 2008. Well, that�s really up to you�
No, we�re not doing another nationally web-coordinated Step It Up action (at least right now). But that�s not stopping folks from keeping this movement going. Some of the groups that first started organizing for Step It Up a year ago in preparation for April 14, 2007 are still going strong. Not only did they organize amazing Step It Up 2 actions last November and generate thousands of invitations to politicians, letting them know that we mean business, but now they�re raring ahead with new plans and new actions of their own accord.
Many folks have teamed up with 1Sky to keep the pressure on their state�s senators and representatives with the Spring Into Action effort going on this month. Others are ahead with their own local action plans, stepping it up even more. And this is just what we need. Despite all the amazing action and activity around global warming in the last year, Congress is still just limping along, hardly in sight of taking the action we need. Presidential candidates are now talking a good game on climate (mostly). But talk isn�t enough. We need Congress to step it up and take action. The only way to make that happen is to keep the pressure on and escalate this movement.
We�re also starting to see ever increasing victories at the local and state levels. The latest: the Massachusetts senate passed a bill on Thursday, March 6 requiring 80% carbon emissions reductions by 2050 and emphasizing green jobs! The movement is having its effect, thanks to all the activists, citizens, organizations, and leaders stepping up in their area. But we�re still missing essential national legislation and international action. So a big thank you to everyone that�s moving ahead with new action plans, whether its under the name of Step It Up or not.
You might be wondering then, what it is that our team is doing, if not organizing another Step It Up? We haven�t been idle this winter either. Stay tuned for our next plan. And in the meantime, feel free to keep in touch and let us know what you�re working on.
Posted in Our Blog
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Basis China is on August 3 " cloud mobile phone " the main message of the transmission on global brand news briefing shows, hua Weizheng improves his to be in in strive the commonplace figure that consumes the market, the hope prompts market sale through more distinctive brand image. Basis China is public data, china it is the terminal business section that contains a mobile phone inside the global sale first half of the year reached 4.2 billion dollar this year, grow 64% compared to the same period, global shipment volume achieves 72 million (contain the wireless terminal such as data card) , already became the whole world to grow firm of the fastest large mobile phone in fact. Disclose according to 10 thousand whirlwind, china region market waits to achieve the growth of more than 50% in the United States, Europe, Japan, Latin America for Android smartphone, what this is worth to be carried most among them is, china for terminal the market outstanding achievement first half of the year is divided come from outside having operation business client already at its, 35% come from market of business of Yu Fei operation. Have similar market cause still have resurgence news report. This year in July end, resurgence terminal is presiding Yu Lun of technical officer Han discloses to the reporter, resurgence has the cause that 120 million terminal sell this year. He thinks, resurgence already before the fact enters global shift terminal five, the target of resurgence terminal future also is " before the whole world 3 " . "OK and basic judgement, if say the apple just pounded Nuojiya the word of high-end market, nuojiya is in true break up of global market share is Android, its China is, resurgence provides power extremely. " the personage inside this course of study says. Cost battle, politic battle, patent battle? The mobile phone moves toward get the upper hand of of profit, efficiency finally from dimensions get the upper hand of, still get those who rely on high-end market to win out The traditional manufacturer such as terminative Nuojiya, Motolora " imperial dream " what is core weapon? China tell our newspaper the reporter for Yang Xiaozhong of president of terminal China division, china grow considerably in domestic sale first half of the year this year for terminal, among them smartphone whole sales volume broke through 5 million, predict to be able to achieve 12 million sale goal this year. He says to reporter analysis, fast breakthrough comes from at from 2010 since second half of the year, china for in the market " opportunity time window " inside capture opportunity hold a memorial ceremony for to go out " machine of 1000 yuan of intelligence " the strategy. Than nowadays time is U8500 of the biggest a type is measured in domestic shipment, achieved 500 thousand, its are UniCom has opportunity of intelligence of Android of first of channel sales volume oneself. high-end intelligence machine from 2000-4000 yuan the market that differ all valence, pull low to " 1000 yuan " the following, it is the key that Chinese company obtains intelligent machine dimensions to break through first half of the year. Use is same of way still have resurgence V880, its are in the price in UniCom postal service hall is 999 yuan, obtained likewise not common outstanding achievement. China do not agree with the outside for the personage about China to hit " price war " guess, "Talk from cost, mobile phone of all now company can realize China to make, cost essential factor of everybody agrees already basically " , consequently market victory more comes from at strategic layout and quick response ability. And resurgence market personage also thinks, strategy of machine of 1000 yuan of intelligence, reflected two companies of Chinese to hold in time of demand to operation business, "Because who operation business compares more be happy among them low end the user draws data application, create more value for its " . This probably also flank should card 10 thousand whirlwind are right China the judgement to compare a dominant position. "China because of,be ' canal ' (network) and unripe, final trend ' the cloud ' and ' upright ' , china to have ' canal ' foundation and ' canal ' ability, right ' canal ' the understanding that has profundity, so we can ' end, canal, cloud ' achieve perfection in coordination. " 10 thousand say. China to rolled out product of intelligent machine flagship recently " foresight " hind, from " 1000 yuan of machine " the high-end market that Xiang Zhongduan includes to be controlled 3000 yuan is extended. Perfect its market strategy thereby to hit out lowly, mediumly, high in the round. But, the future is not have nothing worry about. A personage of mobile phone market thinks, on one hand, inchoate Android patent door or it is a warm-up only, want to share cake when market competition aggravate, return at the same time can outside place oneself thing, a few without the likelihood; On the other hand, by " canal " and unripe China for, resurgence, spelling a brand after all, spell the product, consumption mart that spells capital to you can go much further? This personage points out, china the integrated ability that bed advantage depends on operation business medium of communication, in intelligent machine times, business of mobile phone manufacturer, operation, channel business 3 person shirt-sleeve trend or will more and more apparent, but even if is such, the mobile phone moves toward get the upper hand of of profit, efficiency finally from dimensions get the upper hand of, still get those who rely on high-end market to win out, after all " in low end is to use dozen of market scale, gain is extremely small, do not make money even, and after forming dimensions, be about to spell high-end mart, the profit with so high apple explains this is nodded already adequately " . And any markets, the battle of summit summit, will be the brutallest. (Ceng Hang of our newspaper reporter also has contribution to this article) [series reports] War of empire of mobile phone patent: The tycoon is concentrated lawsuit and truth of patent scare buying Whole world of mobile phone patent spells a plan: Beautiful type " cruel right definitely " photograph of all living creatures [mobile phone tycoon is mad grab patent] Gu Ge buys IBM1000 to even more a fierce fight of patent and corresponding patent litigation Gu Geping will contend for 18 thousand patent of InterDigita if really Kodak is about to make work SamSung of 1100 patent apples or spread out contention [add up to Zong Lianheng lawsuit is ceaseless] Malic HTC lawsuit leaves one town each the smartphone launchs patent contest Grand the CFO that amount to report expresses ITC of put up with to undertake a:appellant to malic patent adjudication ITC agrees to investigate an apple to appeal to case of SamSung patent tort Grand courtyard of national law of the Xiang Ying that amount to report carries effectiveness of patent of heavy careful apple [present one's views vehemently is personal plead] Total adviser of cereal song law: Smartphone patent suit restrains innovation Nuojiyahua responds to lawsuit of InterDigital patent tort for resurgence Microsoft responds to Gu Ge to censure: Ever suggested bilateral combination buys patent to meet with refus Gu Ge: Microsoft offers to close buying patent is trap [drive of interest of patent big fight] Analyst: The apple wins patent battle to be able to capture 30 billion dollar Microsoft 2 quarters can amount to 60 million dollar to HTC collection patent fee jingruilj
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Comment by lcn, Jan 31st, 2011 11:00am
Tibia Gold is the currency in Tibia(MMoRPG) .There are many items including Tibia weapons like
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Good luck, have fun in Tibia
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Comment by hqs, Jan 30th, 2011 10:47pm
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These items let you always prevailed(Not only play a important role in the war, but also pawn the monster smoothly and level up easier)
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Good luck, have fun in Tibia
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Comment by hqs, Jan 30th, 2011 10:45pm
Tibia Gold is the currency in Tibia(MMoRPG) .There are many items including Tibia weapons like
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These items let you always prevailed(Not only play a important role in the war, but also pawn the monster smoothly and level up easier)
You can buy all these items by using Tibia gold.And there still many sites u can buy tibia gold by real money like,,,,,, etc
Good luck, have fun in Tibia
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