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Are there currently any bills on the table that address our 1 Sky Priorities?

Yes, and no. Not all the bills on the table match the scale of the problem. Here's what some of our more legislatively inclined friends and allies are saying about them:

1: Green Jobs Now - The "Green Jobs Bill of 2007" recently passed through the house: Here's a piece written by one of the bill's proponents: Van Jones. For the full version of the bill, click here. 35,000 Jobs per year is not quite the 5 million that we'll need to revolutionize the economy, but it's a good start.

2: Cut Carbon 80% by 2050 - A great summary of current legislation was recently released by the World Resources Institute: A Comparison of Legislative Climate Change Targets in the 110th Congress (September 17, 2007).

3: No New Coal - At this point no federal legislation has been introduced that specifically addresses the future of coal in this country, but coal policy will be an important pert of any carbon reduction strategy adopted by congress. Check out the World Resources Institutes's comparison of Climate Change targets here.