This issue is starting to arise in some cases. Basically what we suggest is that you proceed with polite persistence. Until you get either an RSVP, or some sort of statement specifically addressing your community event, continue to send invitations. Our leaders might not be perfect, but they are servants of the people, and a personal invitation is a very respectful way of asking them to address our concerns. Keep those invites flowing!
However, if there is a legitimate conflict - for example Sen. Mary Landrieu from Louisiana has to attend her sister's wedding - we can work something out. Here is what we recommend:
1- If it is convenient for you to alter your plans, offer to move the time of your event to accommodate the busy schedule of your representative or candidate. If you'd rather not move the time of your event, proceed to the next step:
2- Ask your representative or candidate if they would like to issue a statement to address the occasion. For a solid example of what they can shoot, refer them to the Rocky Anderson video featured on the right. In the case of a legitimate scheduling conflict, this a great way for our leaders to address our priorities even if they cannot make an appearance in person.
3- Depending on which office you are coordinating with, a video might not work well for the leader you'd like to reach. If they would rather, ask for them to prepare a statement that addresses the occasion. If you have any specific questions, feel free to throw those in there, but this is what we consider the ultimate question:
"To overcome the challenge of global climate change we need science-based solutions that match the scale of the problem. How do you plan on addressing our three 1 Sky Priorities:"