Montpelier, VT
November 3, 2007
The following politician(s) sent a representative/statement of support for this event:
 | Sen. Bernard Sanders |
For full size pictures click on any picture below.
By:Johanna Miller
On the steps of the Vermont State House, over 200 Vermonters gathered to call for leadership from Vermont's highest elected official - Governor Jim Douglas. Vermont is blessed with Congressional leaders working hard in the U.S. Capitol to press for the strongest climate legislation necessary to tackle the magnitude of the problem we are facing. In stark contrast, Vermont's third-term Governor vetoed a promising climate change and energy bill this past spring. At this event, attendees enjoyed homemade Vermont apple pie and ice cream as a fun and yummy way to highlight the fact that leadership on climate change is as American as apple pie. Former Vermont Governor Phil Hoff spoke about the need for leadership from elected officials - and from ourselves. Vermonters were asked to submit their ideas on what they'd do as leader of Vermont to combat climate change. Authors of three good ideas stood up on stage to describe their vision for action. Groovy blues music, including a hit called "Big Boss Gov" (written specifically about Governor Douglas' lack of leadership on global warming) provided fun bookends to the event. Despite the chilly November air, Vermonters of all ages turned out in large numbers to add their voices to this historic day and demand that leaders - at the local, state and national level - muster the courage and conviction necessary to confront the challenge a warming world presents us all.
By:Gregor Barnum
check out the film of the event on our (Seventh Generation) blog.