November 3 Reports
There are 638 reports.
Bio Tour came to our Earth Fest and gave a demo on how to make veg oil into usable fuel:
We also had music, local food, games, and informational tables.
We had 5 people sign up for Flexcar to begin car-sharing and cutting their transportation emissions significantly! (Not to mention they gas, and insurance bills!)
You too can join the transportation revolution at www.flexcar.com
Thanks Climate Jam!
Here's some pictures from the event
As the organizers of the Global Warming Burlesque, we would like to thank everyone who participated. Over 250 people celebrated with us. About 20 wrote letters to representatives. Many signed up to learn more about switching to wind power. Over 100 people created a collaborati...
We gathered to view the excellent documentary "Everything's Cool" followed by organic snacks and discussion about what can be done, both at the local and national levels, to make Syracuse a leader in climate impact reduction.
Some ten hardy enthusiasts pooled from Carlisle to Concord on a windy, rainy and cold day. I was going to lead the cycling group, but somehow nobody was interested. We joined about 130 others in Concord at the Minuteman National Historical Park to tell our leaders to lead in r...
November 3, 2007 was "National Day of Climate Actionâ€. A rally organized by Angelica Redpath-Perez with help from Paul Redpath-Perez the organizer for the students at Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Step it Up (Political advocates on Global Warming...
Climate Jam was a big success! We had a gorgeous fall afternoon for
the event - 2 great bands provided entertainment, and 10 local
environmental groups set up tables and shared information with
participants. The kids activities were a highlight - kids painted
pictures on s...
We had a decent turnout of marchers considering that most D.C. area activists were at the Power Shift conference that weekend, but we had fun! We marched from Dupont Circle to Lincoln Memorial while we handed out information to passersby and sang songs including "The Times The...
If there was another politican there I sure wasn't aware of it, nor did I hear you speak out at all. So please don't accuse us of "forgetting", that's rude and now you kind of look like a liar or crazy or both.
I joined the Sustainable-Farming crowd on a march to the Lincoln Memorial on an (unreasonably warm) beautiful November day. Smudgy green fingers were raised to the tunes of rapping polar bears and GW a-capella singers. The speakers were fantastic, so , to all those who organ...
Oh wait, I think you all "forgot" two important things about this. One, there was another politician there, myself Michael Cavlan running for US Senate with the Green Party. The other little tidbit of info that you forgot to mention was the discussion on the complete sell out ...
I was there...however, nobody else was...?? Very disappointed indeed.
The event in Carrboro, NC was well attended; we were located at the Carroboro Town Hall Commons, and shared the space with another local advocacy concern, the Really Really Free Market. Our Carrboro Greenspace project was well staffed, with a table and petitions and engaged ...
We had a small and enthusiastic group on an icy-roads Saturday morning!