November 3 Reports
There are 642 reports.
We rallied in front of Lee Chapel and Washington Hall, though a wedding party displaced us slightly to the South. The theme of Leadership came through in a stirring speech from Burr Datz, our Chaplain and director of the Leadership Institute. We had six musical acts perform,...
Our event really happened during the week. The Vermont Academy Sustainability Committee organized a SWEET (Students Working on Energy Efficiency Today) Blackout event. Teachers turned off lights in classrooms, everyone unplugged things, many took shorter showers and washed th...
We discussed global warming and our individual efforts to reduce our negative impacts on the world. Each participant had new ideas to share. We were inspired to take additional actions to reduce our carbon footprint.
Attendees agreed to participate in the local Low Carbon Di...
Within the first 15 minutes, 3 different newspapers, 3 city officials, and reps of Carol Shea-Porter's showed up. NH Carbon Coalition was there. Cold and rainy, but people from the public were still coming out. Estimated attendence is based on this attendee's sole 1/2 hour.
We are students studying sustainable development in Costa Rica. We have been talking a lot about the social and ecological impacts of climate change, and we want congress to do something about it!!
Event was fantastic! Very organized and informative. An outstanding presentation on Climate Change was given by 4th grader Shelby! Her presentation skills surpassed most of our elected officials in Washington.
The Step It Up press conference at the main branch of the Schenectady County library was well attended, by city, county and state elected officials, by interested citizens, and by over 25 students,members of the Schenectady County Community College Science Club. Each official...
Step It Up Savannah was two hours long and featured two speakers. Karen Arms of the Chatham County Democratic Party called on us to applaud our representatives when they do something useful, and to share our ideas with them about global warming. Ryan Patterson of Georgia Hot S...
We woke up to hear a hurricane was headed our way. Luckily our event was to take place 2 hours before the 60 mile an hour winds and torrential rain. The Nor'Easter did bring rain, wind and 46 degree temps, but we went to our local playground anyway. We had a truck powered b...
Have run PSAs with WFIT local NPR college radio station for over a week, have half page article in local section of Florida Today Newspaper, had mention in other local publications, have several local businesses participating including Ben & Jerry's at the Oaks (ICE CREAM), Bo...
Over 100 people of all ages plus family pets gathered on the Main Street of Stowe, Vermont this morning at 10:30AM with signs, banners and green fingers. Organizers Idoline Duke and Carol Van Dyke welcomed the crowd and Heidi Scheurmann, our Vermont State representative spoke...
Our event "WHere's the Old Red Spring?Scavenger Hunt" was successful, considering I organized this just 10 days ago. The purpose was to promote bus transportation as a means of cutting carbon emissions. The bus company was very supportive and donated a dozen 10-trip bus passe...
Over 100 people from all over Berkshire county ranging in age from 6 to 86 convened at the Lenox Town Hall to hear local, state and federal representatives inform us on their efforts along the green path.
About 20 people, many of them high school and college students, gathered at Mill Island Park for about a two mile walk along the Waterville-Benton Rotary Trail. We took pictures and make a green finger video. In attendence was Congressman Mike Michaud. Overall a very sucessful...
We all got together as a community and pulled together as human beings to take steps to communicate the importance and urgency of reducing carbon emissions 90% by the year 2030 in the United States. In this cynical time when our leaders have failed us in so many ways that have...
It was great to attend this event, to have an opportunity to be heard! Well organized and informative, cool that it was held in a church. Thanks to all our Massachussetts leaders for attending!
We had to cancel because of all things THE WEATHER! An unusual tropical storm (Noel)to hit this far north at this late time of year!
Audubon of Florida had 230 people at their annual assembly and held a Rally For Conservation and Step it Up 2007 event afterward. We dedicated our event to John F Kennedy because Cocoa Beach is near John F Kennedy Space Center. His leadership to put a man on the moon in 10 y...
About a dozen braved the chill to stand in front of Northfield Town Hall from 9:30 to 10:30 with signs, not only related to climate change, but also connecting climate and war issues. We had an overwhelmingly positive response.
Sadly... due to Nor'easter formerly named Hurricane Noel, the event was cancelled! The wind overpowered the
PA system I was told.