November 3 Reports
There are 638 reports.
There were lots of kids, adults, dogs and even ducks (we were near the Whitefish River). Rebecca Holdhusen, age 11, gave a wonderful speech about what we can do to conserve energy and what is being done in other part of the world to use energy more efficiently. People won fr...
We combined it with the Democrats "One Year Away" house party.
Our state Senator Jenny Forehand attended.
We discussed and planned how we can canvass our neighborhoods for both the climate and the only viable party that is progressive on the environment - the Democratic ...
we ran out of chairs! I think the organizers were surprised by the number of people who turned out, especially on a Nebraska football saturday!
Unfortunately none of the invited elected officials showed, though a couple sent letters saying they were sorry they cou...
10 families gathered for a kid-centered climate action rally to remind us what some of the most important reasons are for action: our children and our childrens' children. We decorated the 'Step it Up' sign, signed petitions to our Congressman and Senator and shared a mornin...
We had a number of speakers, among them Congressman John Olver. The turnout was quite good, and there were many interesting questions from the audience.It would seem that our grassroot efforts are taking effect but our government is moving at a snail's pace regarding any nece...
We have an active group of middle school kids who attended the Global 2010 broadcast. The kids have been dedicated to activities that bring awareness to the CO2 reduction efforts. We 'marched' to our downtown local square and displayed signs that promoted a smaller CO2 footp...
Despite rain and wind and severe weather warnings, 200 people gathered in Boston to hear UCC Minister Jim Antal, USC's Nancy Cole, City of Boston Environment Dept Director Bryan Glascock, State Rep Frank Smizik, State Senator Marc Pacheco, and Congressman John Tierney speak. D...
We arrived quite late and met the Greenpeace volunteer, Aaron, who very knowledgeably informed us of the proposed Congressional bills (especially the one sponsored by Waxman) to reduce carbon emissions and increase renewable energy sources. I enjoyed the event and meeting the...
The weather here did not cooperate for the event. It was in the 40's, breezy, with light rain. Many candidates sent proxies to speak. Made you really respect those that did make the effort to appear on a dismal day.
a bit of singing ,clapping and some powerful speakers! I was sobbing so I had to mop my face with my step it up tee shirt. Loved hearing Rep John Tierney,
Sen Mark Pacheco and Rev Jim Antal(UCC)
They fired me up!
Cathedral of St Paul only 1/3 full tho..
In addition to having everyone sign in and fill out the "Hotseat" postcard, we had people fill out a survey designed to find out what they are doing about global warming and what they think they and/or their local and national communities should be doing to combat global warmi...
The Brattleboro community gathered downtown across from the Winter Farmers Market, which began today. Local musician Breeze VerDant played guitar, then Paul Cameron of Brattleboro Climate Protection spoke. He read statements from U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders & U.S. Rep. Peter Welc...
Great Rally!
There was about 75-100 people. Three politicians:
Jean Shaheen, Rep. Paul Hodes and Jay Buckey. They all said the rights things!! Also a great local band! The rain probably reduced attendance; however, we will do better next time!! There was two media pho...
We had a wonderful ride from American University to the Lincoln Memorial, advocating 'Leadership' and 'Reduced Emissions' along the way!
We met in the Life Saving Museum, it was stormy outside, it was well organized and informative, with selectmen from 3 towns, the talks were concise with Hull giving the carbon report, Hingham and Cohasset were represented and had their ideas about upcoming projects, innovation...
There was an African tiger, a coral reef, a Komodo dragon,and a wee skunk. There was a "kid from Atlanta who is running out of drinking water" and a Canadian hockey player whose lakes aren't freezing up in winters anymore. This is how Broadneck High School students interpret...
We rallied in front of Lee Chapel and Washington Hall, though a wedding party displaced us slightly to the South. The theme of Leadership came through in a stirring speech from Burr Datz, our Chaplain and director of the Leadership Institute. We had six musical acts perform,...
Our event really happened during the week. The Vermont Academy Sustainability Committee organized a SWEET (Students Working on Energy Efficiency Today) Blackout event. Teachers turned off lights in classrooms, everyone unplugged things, many took shorter showers and washed th...
We discussed global warming and our individual efforts to reduce our negative impacts on the world. Each participant had new ideas to share. We were inspired to take additional actions to reduce our carbon footprint.
Attendees agreed to participate in the local Low Carbon Di...
Within the first 15 minutes, 3 different newspapers, 3 city officials, and reps of Carol Shea-Porter's showed up. NH Carbon Coalition was there. Cold and rainy, but people from the public were still coming out. Estimated attendence is based on this attendee's sole 1/2 hour.