Concord, NH
November 3, 2007
The following politician(s) attended this event:
 | Sen. Christopher Dodd |
The following politician(s) sent a representative/statement of support for this event:
 | Sen. John Sununu |
 | Sen. Judd Gregg |
 | Senator Hillary Clinton |
| Mike Gravel |
| Senator Joe Biden |
 | Sen. Joseph Biden |
| John Edwards |
By:Alexander Lee
The Concord Monitor, AP, and Boston Globe photographer, as well as film students from BU, were there for our event with Hon. David Bonior (Campaign Manager for John Edwards for President, whose own supporters planted a million trees); National Audubon Society Board Chair and former EPA Administrator Carol Browner (who spoke on behalf of Senator Clinton, candidate for US President); and Senator Christopher Dodd (running for US President). Dodd gave a rousing speech in which he distinguished himself as the clear voice of reason on the need for a carbon tax in addition to cap & trade measures. The problem is too big and action is needed too soon, he said, to rely only on cap & trade. He took three questions from the audience and more privately following the event.
Gov. Jeanne Shaheen (candidate for US Senate) spoke about how NH led the way on regulating carbon under a bill that she passed as Governor of NH. Former astronaut, Dr. Jay Buckey (candidate for US Senate), quoted Kennedy's famous speech about how we must send a man to the moon. What we need today, he said, is the same grand vision--an Apollo Project akin to the Manhattan Project--that brings together the great minds and innovations of the American people to develop a better energy future.
Mayor Donovan of Concord and both candidates in a contentious race for mayor (election is Tuesday, Nov. 6), City Councilors Jim Bouley and Kathi Rogers, spoke about Concord's recent steps forwards. Concord has stepped it up by recently becoming a Cool City.
Gov. Lynch's letter was read by Ruth Heath, co-organizer and staff advisor to the NHTI Environmental Action Club. Alexander Lee, who was Master-of-Ceremonies, read letters from Senators Judd Gregg and John E. Sununu, as well as from the 1 Sky Initiative document. Thereafter, he introduced all of the aforementioned candidates, starting at 1 PM, after an hour of great music by the AM/PM Band.
Lee introduced Elliot Jacobson, National Field Director for Senator Mike Gravel (candidate for President), saying "I heard that there would be lots of politicians here today so I wore my Support Wind Power lapel pin. Here is the spokesperson for one of the biggest supporters of wind." There was no laughter in the cold and wet audience of stalwart climate change activists.
The event had a special guest in EPA Region 1 Administrator Bob Varney, who showed up unexpectedly and was invited to say a few words. Rep. Jim Ryan spoke on behalf of Joe Biden and Rep. Steve Shurtleff also spoke, addressing the many state legislative initiatives that demonstrate NH's leadership and commitment to addressing the threat of climate change.
A few brand new volunteers were there, including a Concord woman who lives next door to Penuche's Alehouse. "It is amazing to me that people are allowed to throw up all over my street, but we can't hang a clothesline. It would be a great way to save money and is something that I would like to be able to do for the environment. I hope Concord's new leadership will let me do it."
Special thanks to Deb DeMoulpied of Real Green Goods, Ruth Heath of NHTI, Kally Abrams of Stonyfield Farms, and Alexander Lee of Project Laundry List. The presence of Bruce Clendenning, of Granite State Conservation Voters' Alliance, was sorely missed. This man, home sick with his expectant wife, was the primary worker bee who made today's incredible sequence of speakers possible.
Finally, a cheer for the Middlebury College kids who comprise the Climate Action team at the StepItUp2007 Climate Action Center. We appreciate the movement that they and Project Laundry List Advisory Board Member Bill McKibben have sparked across the nation.
By:Elaine Kellerman
The weather here did not cooperate for the event. It was in the 40's, breezy, with light rain. Many candidates sent proxies to speak. Made you really respect those that did make the effort to appear on a dismal day.
By:Alexander Lee
The Concord Monitor, AP, and Boston Globe photographer, as well as film students from BU, were there for our event with Hon. David Bonior (Campaign Manager for John Edwards for President, whose own supporters planted a million trees); National Audubon Society Board Chair and former EPA Administrator Carol Browner (who spoke on behalf of Senator Clinton, candidate for US President); and Senator Christopher Dodd (running for US President). Dodd gave a rousing speech in which he distinguished himself as the clear voice of reason on the need for a carbon tax in addition to cap & trade measures. The problem is too big and action is needed too soon, he said, to rely only on cap & trade. He took three questions from the audience and more privately following the event.
Gov. Jeanne Shaheen (candidate for US Senate) spoke about how NH led the way on regulating carbon under a bill that she passed as Governor of NH. Former astronaut, Dr. Jay Buckey (candidate for US Senate), quoted Kennedy's famous speech about how we must send a man to the moon. What we need today, he said, is the same grand vision--an Apollo Project akin to the Manhattan Project--that brings together the great minds and innovations of the American people to develop a better energy future.
Mayor Donovan of Concord and both candidates in a contentious race for mayor (election is Tuesday, Nov. 6), City Councilors Jim Bouley and Kathi Rogers, spoke about Concord's recent steps forwards. Concord has stepped it up by recently becoming a Cool City.
Gov. Lynch's letter was read by Ruth Heath, co-organizer and staff advisor to the NHTI Environmental Action Club. Alexander Lee, who was Master-of-Ceremonies, read letters from Senators Judd Gregg and John E. Sununu, as well as from the 1 Sky Initiative document. Thereafter, he introduced all of the aforementioned candidates, starting at 1 PM, after an hour of great music by the AM/PM Band.
Lee introduced Elliot Jacobson, National Field Director for Senator Mike Gravel (candidate for President), saying "I heard that there would be lots of politicians here today so I wore my Support Wind Power lapel pin. Here is the spokesperson for one of the biggest supporters of wind." There was no laughter in the cold and wet audience of stalwart climate change activists.
The event had a special guest in EPA Region 1 Administrator Bob Varney, who showed up unexpectedly and was invited to say a few words. Rep. Jim Ryan spoke on behalf of Joe Biden and Rep. Steve Shurtleff also spoke, addressing the many state legislative initiatives that demonstrate NH's leadership and commitment to addressing the threat of climate change.
A few brand new volunteers were there, including a Concord woman who lives next door to Penuche's Alehouse. "It is amazing to me that people are allowed to throw up all over my street, but we can't hang a clothesline. It would be a great way to save money and is something that I would like to be able to do for the environment. I hope Concord's new leadership will let me do it."
Special thanks to Deb DeMoulpied of Real Green Goods, Ruth Heath of NHTI, Kally Abrams of Stonyfield Farms, and Alexander Lee of Project Laundry List. The presence of Bruce Clendenning, of Granite State Conservation Voters' Alliance, was sorely missed. This man, home sick with his expectant wife, was the primary worker bee who made today's incredible sequence of speakers possible.
Finally, a cheer for the Middlebury College kids who comprise the Climate Action team at the StepItUp2007 Climate Action Center. We appreciate the movement that they and Project Laundry List Advisory Board Member Bill McKibben have sparked across the nation.
By:Kally Abrams
We would like to thank the various organizations, groups and local businesses attending the Concord, NH Climate Change Rally:
Real Green Goods
Climate Counts
Your Home, Your World
Unitarian Universalist Church of Concord, Green Sanctuary & Social Justice
The Nature Conservancy
NH Audubon
Sierra Club
Environment NH
Project Laundry List
Concord Cooperative Market
Nature Conservancy
Stonyfield Farm
NOFA New Hampshire [email protected]
NH Carbon Challenge
Priorities NH
Citizenrē REnU Program
AmPm Alternative / Jazz / Rock
By:Ruth Heath
The NHTI Environmental Action Club helped with publicity, setup/cleanup, and ran the Green Finger event.
By:Ruth Heath
Here are more shots of the crowd.
By:Ruth Heath
The Concord Monitor had this picture splashed on the front of Section B (Local) but no article.