Lenox, MA
November 3, 2007
The following politician(s) attended this event:
 | Rep. John Olver |
For full size pictures click on any picture below.
Over 100 people from all over Berkshire county ranging in age from 6 to 86 convened at the Lenox Town Hall to hear local, state and federal representatives inform us on their efforts along the green path.
By:shirley kasindorf
We had a number of speakers, among them Congressman John Olver. The turnout was quite good, and there were many interesting questions from the audience.It would seem that our grassroot efforts are taking effect but our government is moving at a snail's pace regarding any necessary legislation. We live in hope!
By:Tom Stokes
Congressman John Olver outlined his view of the climate crisis in stark terms, and spoke with conviction about the need for strong legislation. He talked about the Lieberman/Warner bill, a comparable bill emerging from the House, and other measures gaining traction in D.C. as important first steps, and the need for ultimately more effective measures such as a carbon tax to follow. Olver also talked about the importance of state and local measure and citizen actions like Step It Up. State Representative Smitty Pignatelli and State Senator Ben Downing also spoke of climate change as the paramount challenge of our times and of the Massachusetts No Idling bill.
The audience, which included representatives from 13 cosponsoring organizations, showed enthusiastic support for the 1 Sky platform. The program was dedicated to Peter A.A. Berle, who died on November 2. Peter was a prominent local farmer, environmentalist, and friend of many of those assembled who was very much present in spirit. He was also a former New York legislator, Commissioner of the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, and President of National Audubon.