Benton, ME
November 3, 2007
The following politician(s) attended this event:
 | Rep. Michael Michaud |
By:Matthew Huck
About 20 people, many of them high school and college students, gathered at Mill Island Park for about a two mile walk along the Waterville-Benton Rotary Trail. We took pictures and make a green finger video. In attendence was Congressman Mike Michaud. Overall a very sucessful event.
By:eric brown
...a step in the right direction....we had over thirty participants including congressman Mike Michaud!!! he spoke about what is being done and what needs to be done in Washington, he spoke about how glad he was to see young pople acting as leaders... we had a cool November walk prior to the winds and rain of Noel. a gorgeous walk along the river with a lot good conversation about how D.C. needs to get serious about the climate issue. we look forward to the next day of national climate action.
By:Linda Woods
Congressman Mike Michaud joined our enthusuastic group at Mill Island Park, which is surrounded by the Kennebec River. This location was chosen to honor Senator Ed Muskie and the Clean Waters Act of 1972. Congressman Michaud pledged to work to reduce the carbon footprint as well as other environmental causes. We did the 1 Sky video and took a group picture before walking the Rotary Trail in Benton.
By:Matthew Huck
About twenty people showed up for the walk along the Waterville-Benton Rotary Trail. Included were quite a few students and congressman Mike Michaud.