November 3 Reports
There are 642 reports.
Check out some more great photos!
Check out this video from our event:
State Representative Anastasia Pittman speaking at the Step It Up 2 event in OKC.
Some More Pictures of John Edwards!
Here are some more images from the second line parade!
State Senator Andrew Rice, running for U.S. Senate against Jim Inhofe, spoke at the OKC Step It Up 2 event.
It was a great turnout and a beautiful setting! (the High Risk Gallery on Belmont) Once the event got started, the room was packed practically wall to wall!
The officials who were able to attend the forum gave some great first-hand perspectives on how local government can m...
Senator Kerry and Niki Tsongas were there. So were Pam Resor (our local representative in the MA State House). I got a chance to chat with Ms. Tsongas to thank her for coming out on such a rainy day and for her support of effectively addressing global warming.
A lively gathering of 50 shared various perspectives on global warming. San Luis Obispo Vice Mayor Christine Mulholland told of city’s positive action to conduct energy audits and conserve energy; retrofit city hall lighting and revamp the city’s fleet cars. I listened, wi...
whe mailed over 40 post cards to our representatives asking them to support the 1 sky initiatives.
Madison people participated in a demostration at the University of Wisconsin's coal-burning power plant in downtown Madison on November 3, 2007 and wrote postcards to University officials about the contribution of coal plants like this one to global warming.
Today, in the W...
Buffalo NY to host SOLAR 2009 Conference - American Solar Energy Society
click here
'Green' helping area woo conventions - Buf...
This is the video we made of our event. We will be sending a DVD copy to Representative Gregory Meeks this week.
Here are some photos as well...
We gathered at a visible point, the University of Illinois Alma Mater, on the edge of campus and downtown. As speakers we had Urbana Mayor, Laurel Prussing, who has signed the Mayor's Protection Agreement, and two wonderful green party candidates, Joe Futrelle and Walter Pituc...
Here are pictures from our event.
I attended the Greenpeace sponsored event in SW Portland. Signed postcards to Sen. Smith and Wyden asking the to show leadership sponsoring and/or supporting legislation calling for an 80% reduction in CO2 by 2050.
Called Rep. Darlene Hooley's office to ask for her support o...
The four video clips below show: the gathering and speeches at the Teddy Roosevelt Inaugural Site, the March to McKinley Monument, and finally the gathering at McKinley in two parts.
At the T.R. Inaugural Site, host David Kowalski welcomed the participants and introduced th...