November 3 Reports
There are 642 reports.
An enlarged letter calling for U.S. Senator Schumer to Step It Up was displayed, and Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown paid a surprise visit.
The long line of marchers made their way to McKinley Monument, assembled, and listened to talks presented by climate activists and politicians.
Citizens met at the Teddy Roosevelt Inaugural Site for talks by invited speakers, and then marched to McKinley Monument.
50-75 people turned out for the bike/hike through Carlisle. Standout activists were rewarded with "symbolic Windmill trophies" at the local Farmer's Market.
Local leaders who are pioneering green/clean/alternative products displayed what community memebers can do to help the environment with very little effort [how easy it is to save the environment !]. US Representative Mike Michaud was in attendance, along with the regional repr...
I went to Urbana U of C Alma Matter at the corner of Wright/Green. After found a public parking space, I came back and saw about 20 or more mostly students, some were adults may be professors gathering to sign pettitions or write letters to Congressionals and sign names on att...
Maria Evan's blog on WGMD comes with pics and sound bites. And, of course, tommywonk blog (Tom Noyes). Check them out.
I have to make this short but in a nutshell. we powered an entire rock band, sound and lights with human power for 2 hours.We started out with 7 bikes on the main floor and 1 bike on the loft.The one on the loft powered a seperate light show by itself.The seven on the floor po...
Nine volunteers--six from Progressive Voter Network and three who signed up via the Step It Up site--made holiday cards addressed to our congressional representative (Mark Udall) and one of our senators (Sen. Salazar). Since energy legislation is presently in conference commi...
Hurricane Noel made it's way north on the day of our rally. The usual Saturday throng heading to beautiful Fort Tryon Park in Upper Manhattan was thinned by decisions to go elsewhere because of the weather. But enough stalwarts were out to rally, learn about StepItUp 2007 an...
We had an awesome pancake breakfast while listening to the School of Rock play live. Later on we got to listen to Rocky and others describe why we should be paying attention and becoming active in this fight. We were repeatedly encouraged to use the computers provided there to...
We are very proud of how our event turned out. Attendance was great. We gave away all of our 200 red "Save New Orleans! Stop Global Warming" t-shirts. Our sponsors all had an opportunity to meet new members.
We served gumbo, BBQ, and Abita beer for our guests. We want...
We had tremendous community support, good attendance, and participation from local officials.
It rocked! Over 70 people came out to tour Sarasota's Community Gardens by bicycle!! Everyone had a great time riding, learning and eating a wonderful picnic lunch. Two police officers on bikes made sure our trip was smooth and conflict-free. Thanks to all who participated!
Step It Up Sierra was a wonderful day of community action.
The following video was produced by Alex Keeton and his Mariposa Middle School students.
Over 30 people gathered at the Court House on the busiest street in Terre Haute with signs about global warming.
Several people spoke, from various organizations. I am a retiree that has been protesting the war almost weekly since the war began. Only a handful of students a...
The energy saved from recycling one plastic bottle will power a computer for 25 minutes.
25 * 267 = 6675 minutes/60 =
111 hours and 15 minutes of computer power recaptured/offset from the energy saved from 2...
Keene Valley Steps It Up!
Keene Valley steps it up!