Berkeley, CA
November 3, 2007
The following politician(s) sent a representative/statement of support for this event:
 | Rep. Barbara Lee |
By:Chicory Bechtel
Green City Gallery Event: sponsored by the Green City Gallery, the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Cal-PIRG, EarthTeam, Green Festival, and the Ecology Center.
12:00 - 2:00 Step It Up! Banner making workshop with Earth Team
12:00 - 1:00 Climate Challenge Solutions: A Mural Painting Workshop
1:00 - 2:00 From Streets to Seeds: An Urban Ecology Workshop for Kids and Parents
12:00 - 2:00 Community Gardening: Bamboo Planting - DIG Cooperative and Building Solar Ovens - DIG Cooperative
2:00 - 3:00 Climate Project Presentation: Kat Steele giving Al Gore's Slide Presentation from An Inconvenient Truth.
3:00 - 5:30 Toward a Green Local Economy: Your leaders speak .
3:00 Introduction, and Mayor Tom Bates and California Assembly Member Loni Hancock
3:30 Kevin Danaher, Green Festival, "Building the Green Economy"
4:00 Ian Kim, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, "Green Pathways Out of Poverty"
4:30 Video From Congresswoman Barbara Lee and Senator Barbara Boxer, Berkeley Climate Action Coordinator Timothy Burroughs, Beck Cowles - Ecology Center, Council Member Kriss Worthington, Council Member Donna Spring, and Council Member Linda Maio
By:Chicory Bechtel
Bay Area students made banners reflecting their priorities for climate leadership.
By:Leah Khaghani
My husband and I attended this event on Saturday afternoon. We got to learn more about the climate crisis by two Gore-trained presenters. We also enjoyed some great speeches by the Mayor of Berkeley, as well as a California Assemblymember and local activists. All in all, this was a wonderful event that focused on all of the positive things we can do to turn the direction of this planet around. The science is in. We need to stop worrying about the end of the world, and start DOING something about it. Let's ensure that this beautiful planet continues to be home to our grandchildren and all of the wonderful species that share it with us!
By:Abraham Kneisley
We had tremendous community support, good attendance, and participation from local officials.