November 3 Reports
There are 642 reports.
Hundreds of Farmers' Market shoppers stopped by our 'learn about and take action' booth to learn how local food and climate justice relate, and call their senators to make their voices heard.
After the market closed, we held a fascinating panel discussion on climate change...
Our event was dedicated to 19th century environmentalist, activist and visionary, Henry David Thoreau.
He walked this beach (although due to coastal erosion, the strand he actually walked on is quite a bit out to sea now!)His words still resonate for us...
In spite of wind, rain and power outages, attendance was large at our event at the Wellfleet Council on Aging
The meeting I attended was originally organized by a group called "Oil Patch Democrats". Among other things, this group is concerned about sustainable energy production while protecting the environment. The president of OPD agreed to combine this meeting with the Step It Up Ev...
We invited the candidates running for retiring Dennis Hastert's soon-to-be open Congressional seat to speak to us. Initially 6 of 8 agreed to attend; at the last minute 2 were unable to make it. We were eager to hear from the 4 that made it. Our congressional district has n...
We marched from one park in Long Beach to another. We had about 50 people total, including Green Peace employees. In the second park, we set up a giant petition to Rep. Richardson, and got everyone to sign it. Because the park was along a popular dog walking route, we got lots...
Event went as planned except very cold weather kept some people from attending outside rally at the City Park.
All and all a great day!
We were able to tap into the Moss Rock Preserve Festival for two days, Saturday and Sunday. The festival drew and estimated crowd of 10,000 over two days. We were able to make direct contact with lots of people who attended the event. We also handed out apples which proved t...
We had two speakers, first a scientist showing us the pictures and graphs indicating evidence of climate change in Montana; second an activist from a Montana organization talking about what citizens and communities can do to reduce their impact. We had food and beverages and ...
Despite a small attendance, the rally was a success. Knowing that people were similarly gathering all over the country really made us a part of something huge. Rep. Ellison gave a very supportive and encouraging talk. Meeting people with this common goal was inspiring, and di...
After a late mix-up in organizing leadership the remaining Step-It-Upper's decided to make the best of it and join the thousands of other folks who showed up to make a difference in this nation's energy/climate policies. Margaret and her 1 yr. old son Edwin joined Jenny, Ann ...
A wonderful Saturday Morning in beautiful Whitefish, Montana. Organizer Caryn Hilding did a wonderful job. Many children and alot of bicycles.
Our event "Go Big Little Rhody", was postponed by Hurricane Noel's high winds and rain. Held on Sunday, Nov.4, it brought over a hundred visitors to Roger Williams Park Zoo where exhibits from education on effects of pollution on health and our earth, wind and solar, composti...
A dozen environmental groups hosted a Cool Town Meeting on climate change. Over 140 people came, making it one of the largest environmental events Springfield has had in years. Two elected officials and two candidates attended, plus the wife of a candidate for Congress. You ca...
Lots of good info and computers set up to send messages to congress, etc. Wish it had been better attended!
The singing group was a young rock group and they were so loud that honestly, it was really, really difficult to have a conversation with anyone in the booths or anyon...
Here are some pictures of our picnic.
The challenge was to FIND the event. I
arrived at the appointed hour, but had to search. What I do know is that any presence is worthy. The effort speaks for itself. Keep doing what you can and it will pay off.
We had about 20 people show up for a rally Saturday. We circulated petitions asking Springfield to join the Cool Cities program. The big event in Springfield was the town meeting the next day with over 130 people.
Washington College students and alumni gathered for a picnic on the campus green, under a statue of the great leader George Washington. The event was organized by Student Environmental Alliance and evryone came together to call attention to the need for climate action and bol...
I Sent 20 emails to political leaders who all recieve campagne contribitions from large organizations and utility companies. Not one single political leader showed up. This tells me and all who are concerned that not of our leaders who created this huge nightmare will stand up...