Providence, RI
November 4, 2007
The following politician(s) attended this event:
 | Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse |
 | Rep. James Langevin |
For full size pictures click on any picture below.
By:Nancy Knott
Our event "Go Big Little Rhody", was postponed by Hurricane Noel's high winds and rain. Held on Sunday, Nov.4, it brought over a hundred visitors to Roger Williams Park Zoo where exhibits from education on effects of pollution on health and our earth, wind and solar, composting and peace added to the main event at 1 p.m. where many politicians both federal and state as well as the head of the zoo talked about the threat to wildlife, water, rain forest and more. Repr. James Langevin talked about the Democratic proposals for lowering emissions, both immediate and the big plan by 2050. The Mayor of Providence, David Ciccilini, told of changes in RI, from hybrid cars to increased efforts to recycle--a big need in RI, to incentives for change. There were about 10 politicians on hand from local to state to national. The crowd were given signs to chorus the plan for 80% reduction in greenhouse gasses by 2050 and the crowd added OR SOONER!
By:Shane Easter
We gathered on the steps of Brown University's Main Green to hear a state representative, a lead author of the IPCC reports, a student, and a graduate working for the Clinton Global Initiative speak about clmate change policy. It was a small gathering of about 30 students, and speakers called upon students to take action by phone banking and voting for a green candidate in the upcoming state rep. election, and by making energy efficiency a personal concern and priority. Students were urged to ask the univerisity what energy efficiency measures are currently being implemented, as well as to design a university sponsored local carbon offset project. The university has relegated $350,000 for local carbon offset projects in response to student petitioning. The event was very grounding, as speakers discussed the lack of concrete personal and legislative action being taken on global warming despite all the energy surrounding the issue. A portion of the students went to the zoo for the city-wide event after the Brown rally.