November 3 Reports
There are 642 reports.
Second attempt, resized photo submission
Green Leadership, coordinated by Amanda Hall, 15 was attended by US Representative Michaud and a representative for Senator Olympia Snowe. It was held at the University of Maine Farmington campus and was attended by UMF President Theo Kalikow and UMF Professor Dr. Drew Barton....
The event began with the Djembe Junkies and was followed with a native american ground blessing ceremony. There was a variety of speakers including Colorado College professors, Jan Marten a citycouncil woman, a storyteller, a historian, and ten forth graders who talked about...
The Blue Green Alliance took part in the Grand Rapids event.
We were a small group that came together to make cards for our Senators asking them to be leaders and give us the gift of global warming solutions. Videos and pictures were taken. We were a kid friendly event with the kids drawing and pasting pictures of the animals they love...
The Concord Monitor had this picture splashed on the front of Section B (Local) but no article.
Here are more shots of the crowd.
While lightly attended, the STEP IT UP 2 national day of climate action eventin Middlebury, VT went very well. (Other Step It up events occuring simultaineously in Burlington and Montpelier as well as the Powershift Conference in D.C. may have drawn some of our expected attend...
Some businesses and groups presented general sustainability information. The local community access channel recorded video pledges of people with green fingers, and a local producer started filming a documentary of our region's transition at our rally.
There was a solar pow...
The Hoosier Environmental Council and Carbon Neutrality hosted this rally at the John Purdue Memorial Mall. Participants painted green fingers to symbolize the need for more leadership from Washington! We collected petition signatures to ask our elected officials to Step it U...
We had a small but enthusiastic turnout after very short notice, who came to hear 7 speakers, including representatives from local, state and federal governments. Also in attendance was a large but shy polar bear, who kept muttering something about "too much water; not enough...
With short notice we had a fun event located at the base of the Statue of George Wahington.
It was a glorious "warm Fall day" There were speeches from local politicians Bill Peduto and Titus North as well as statements from U.S. Congressmen: Jason Altmire, Mike Doyle and US S...
Here's video of Presidential Candidate John Edwards at this event, courtesy of Karen Dalton at Huffington Post:
Front page of the Independent Record, Helena's city newspaper!
The event was also covered in the Savannah Morning News.
People from Beverly, Manchester, Salem, Gloucester, Hamilton, Magnolia and Wenham gathered for the north shore premiere of the movie Everything's Cool. Lively discussions followed the film and plans were made to work together for a big event in the spring to increase awareness...
Not only did Burlington have an outstanding event on Saturday, on Monday, Nov 5, a few of us delivered the Saturday photos to Congress, and while we were visiting with Congressman Peter Welch. He joined in the Green Finger Video Project. Check it out...