New Boston, NH
November 3, 2007
The following politician(s) attended this event:
 | Rep. Paul Hodes |
By:Jennifer Daler
There were many displays, some by children others by adult groups. There were talks, an expecailly interesting one was by the Crotched Mountain Foundation detailing their environmental initiatives.
The organizers did a great job to create a wonderful event that I believe educated and energized many members of the community.
By:Cynthia Katz
There were many tables/exhibits featuring everything from live roofs to line drying laundry to organic growers. Kids were asked to make pledges that would make a difference (mine pledged to turn lights off when she leaves a room). And there were some excellent speakers, the one on Peak Oil was particularly interesting. There were three types of homemade soups offered with local bread and local milk accompaniments. And very impressive: our three state reps, and our US rep, Paul Hodes came and gave an excellent talk about what's going on in the congress with regards to global warming. It was a thought provoking, conversation provoking event. One of the best events in New Boston history for citizen participation and substance.