Des Moines, IA
November 3, 2007
The following politician(s) sent a representative/statement of support for this event:
 | Senator Hillary Clinton |
 | Sen. Hillary Clinton |
 | Senator Barack Obama |
 | Sen. Barack Obama |
| John Edwards |
For full size pictures click on any picture below.
By:Kelly Mitchell
Step it Up 2 has wrapped up here in Des Moines...
We had a feeling things would be off to a good start when the first person to arrive at our event ended up being a future candidate for Congress in Iowa's District 5. He quickly assured us that he would be honored to be a leader on global warming if elected to office in 2008!
Despite some chilly early morning temps, a good crowd came out to the State Capitol to film video postcards, make personalized "wind turbines", and ask our leaders to "Step it Up."
Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie welcomed the crowd and MC'ed our event. First up to the mic was Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, who spoke on behalf of Senator Obama. David Slutzky, a senior environmental policy adviser to the Clinton administration spoke on behalf of Hillary, and John Campbell, Iowa Political Director for the United Steel Workers, spoke on behalf of John Edwards. Governor Culver sent an official statement to be read at the event and the Rev. Anissa Bacon highlighted the work of several active "Cool Congregations" in Des Moines.
Rep. Boswell's District Representative Ted Tran attended, but unfortunately, Rep. Boswell neither showed up nor sent a statement.
The media response was more than we could have imagined. Every television station in town sent a crew, the Des Moines Register showed up with a reporter and two photographers, WHO radio was on the scene, and Grand View College sent down a couple of reporters.
I know politicians and candidates in Iowa will hear our message loud and clear...