Santa Fe, NM
November 3, 2007
The following politician(s) attended this event:
 | Rep. Tom Udall |
The following politician(s) sent a representative/statement of support for this event:
 | Sen. Jeff Bingaman |
By:Linda Perrone
It was a great event. The Library has dedicated a section in front for the environment books. And are proud of it's efforts, which they should be, adding more books soon.
They had a full day of activities from a Play to An Inconvenient Truth Slide Show to discussions on creating a Sustainable Santa Fe.
Everyone was excited about what we could do, including the many children. One family has the 4 and 5 year old children helping in an alternative fuel project the father is currently working on.
It was a great day to come together for such a great call to action and many did.
Thank you.